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Marvel Art of the Day

Some good ol’ X-Men by Jim Lee!

Marvel Art of the Day

This is some bitchin’ piece of art of Rogue! Just look at it, she’s fighting a god! A god! Oh, and he’s not just any god, he’s Ares – god of War. By Terry Dodson!

Marvel Art of the Day ( Birthday special!)

Rogue, by Carlo Pagulayen.
A very happy birthday to X1, here’s a small gift of her favorite character, Rogue. Enjoy watching your X-Men and I hope your day has been very fun  (very Marvel)

Marvel Art of the Day

Okay, I’ve gotta admit it, I totally stole this from the Rogue’s website. But, what can I say, I just love the fierceness in this piece of art! Just look at Rogue’s facial expression and pose: FIERCE! So here’s Rogue, Rachel Summers (Marvel Girl), Gambit and Frenzy, by Mark Brooks.

Nerd War! #12

It’s a Nerd War! To reiterate Nerd War is our competition of who should be named best Marvel character of 2011/12! Each week one of us will nominate a character and give you a summary of their origins, love interests, and personality. The person who nominated the character will be on the For side for the character to go through, where as the other person will be against! This is a debate – and only the best will survive! It doesn’t matter if the character is good or evil, human, mutate, alien, mutant or the Juggernaut. They just have to be a Marvel Character. But with loads of characters, it might be a long wait before we get to round two ;) .

 This week’s nomination by X2 is Rogue!

Orgin: Her name is Anna Marie, but she doesn’t know her last name. Born in Mississippi into a hippy family , Anna Marie was a Rogue, she ran away from home in her teens. Rogue wasn’t able to touch people without hurting them and the annoying Rogue In X-Men: The Animated Series, made that very clear by saying it all the time! Having the villain Mystique as her stepmother lead her into the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. A traumatizing moment for Rogue was when she absorbed Ms Marvel’s powers.

Love Interest: If only it was only Gambit… ahhh, But no Rogue sort of had a relationship with a boy called Cody who she then sent to hospital with the kiss of death 😉  And her relationship with Magneto shouldn’t even be mentioned … (Pukes)

Personality: At some points Rogue seems quite vulnerable, obviously she’s a Rogue, she’s a individual and just a super cool Mutant, she can make quite funny remarks especially towards the beloved Gambit. Don’t let the vulnerability fool you, because she will put you in a coma.

Powers and Abilities: Rogue has the power to absorb powers, emotions, memories, personality, physical abilities etc by touching you, before this used to be an uncontrollable power but now she has the ability to choose when to use it, so she is now able to touch. After absorbing Ms Marvel’s powers permanently Rogue has the ability to fly and Superhuman strength. Rogue also has the durability of a Superhuman. Rogue is able to fight quite well, apparently Gambit helped her, and she can speak Fluent-French, random but true.

 X1′s Opinion:  X2′s Opinion:
Do I really need to explain why Rogue should go through to the next round? No. But, to be democratic and let our viewers know that this truly isn’t a fix, I will explain. ROGUE IS FRICKIN’ AWESOME, IT’S ALMOST CRIMMINAL! Rogue is filled with sass, attitude and a whole lot of hottness. Yeah, yeah, I get that Rogue doesn’t have the best taste in guys *gives side eye to Magneto* but she sure knew how had to make Gambit fall in love with her. If only she justs married him! Rogues powers are just amazing! The more she learns about her powers, the more powerful she’ll be able to become! She’d could possibly become even more powerful than the Phoenix itself! Just think about it, a fight against Rogue and Phoenix – I’ve got my money on Rogue. What’s this nonsense about 90’s X-Men Rogue being annoying? She was the best Rogue! BTW I am totally hating X2 for that mental pic of Cable and Wade! I don’t think I have to explain anymore + I am really sick… First of all, it is Rogue, that is a good enough reason in itself, even though I do not love her as much as X1 I still know that Rogue is awesome, Her powers and abilities are just amazing even though they may be a big reason why she and Gambit are apart. Her romance with Gambit is the romance of Marvel history, forget about Magneto and that Cody boy. Rogue and Gambit are perfect for each other. The whole Rogue and Magneto fiasco was a slight disappointment (WTH were you thinking!) I love Magneto and everything but putting them together made as much sense as making Cable and Deadpool date. Rogue will  loose a few points for her relationship, but not too many, because of Gambit.. Rogue is an individual who stands out, she is someone who doesn’t really care about other people’s opinions, sometimes she can be a bit vulnerable, but I guess everyone has that in them. Rogue is involved in amazing story  lines and is known by so many non- Marvel fans. In every way possible this chick should get through to the next round. She is just so awesome it is unbelievable. If you search X-Men on Google her name shows up, in some occasions when you write Marvel on Google her name shows up. There are so many reasons for Rogue to get through and I support almost every single one.

X1: For – 9; Against – 1 .

X2: For- 8; Against- 2. 

Rogue gets through to the next round – but a bet you worried then, right ;)?

Marvel Art of The Day

X-Men, by Adi Granov.
Slightly unusual picture, but it is still really cool.

Nerd War! #10

It’s a Nerd War! To reiterate Nerd War is our competition of who should be named best Marvel character of 2011/12! Each week one of us will nominate a character and give you a summary of their origins, love interests, and personality. The person who nominated the character will be on the For side for the character to go through, where as the other person will be against! This is a debate – and only the best will survive! It doesn’t matter if the character is good or evil, human, mutate, alien, mutant or the Juggernaut. They just have to be a Marvel Character. But with loads of characters, it might be a long wait before we get to round two ;) .

This week X2 nominates Gambit! (Finally cries X1!)

Origin: Gambit was abandoned at birth due to his in-human eyes, he was stolen from the hospital by thieves and raised by them. Gambit was taught about thievery. Gambit also married to unite the thieves with the assassins but the brides brother disapproved. Remy helped Storm and she repaid him by making him join the X-men!

Love Interest: The Wonderful… Rogue! The best marvel couple… EVER! (he married Bella Donna Boudreaux , thank Marvel that didn’t work out!)

Personality: Hilarious! This guy knows when to make a joke. He is a bit of a flirt, and definitley knows how to look after a woman. He is also quite romantic. Remy has a side of wit but he is quite a dumb-head.

Powers and Abilities: Remy can charge objects with kinetic energy, and when he does so he comes up with many cheesy phrases. He uses a deck of cars as his ‘Objects’ and obviously caries on with his cliche phrases. He also can fight really well, especially when he has his metal stick thingy with him.

X1′s Opinion: X2′s Opinion:
Let me just get something straight, Gambit is probably the hottest guy in the comic book genre – DC and Top Cow included. Hottness aside, Gambit is a witty, flirtatious, naughty bad boy who has a HUGE following. He’s had his off moments – his marriage to Belladonna was a huge NO, NO, but thankfully that ended. Gambit’s life has basically been one big turmoil, you can’t exactly say this guy’s lucky, I mean Sinister just wouldn’t leave him alone! And he was turned into freakin’ DEATH! He even tried to kill ROGUE! Luckily, a part of him knew that Rogue is the love of his life at that prevented him in killing her. As X2 pointed out most Marvel characters loose points for their confusing and sometimes sickening love lifes, but Remy gains points for his! Gambit and Rogue would probably be the best couple in the Marvel Universe, if Rogue wouldn’t stop dumping him for creepy old men, or clones of creepy old men! Don’t worry Remy, we’re chearing you on, Rogue better come around!! Gambit’s powers are pretty awesome, you see Gambit makes ‘tings go boom, non? But Gambit’s powers would be even more awesome if Sinister didn’t take out part of his brain. Gambit HAS to go through to the next round. No doubt. I am just going to start this of by saying, Gambit is one of the best looking Marvel characters and he has got his smooth accent to go with it. He also is in the best Marvel couple ever, so he could also get the title of ‘Best Marvel character ever’ Other than his looks Remy has amazing powers which could get him very far in a X-Men training session. Remy has been involved in many crazy story lines and never seems to fail on making us laugh. His catch-phrases may be cliche but they are also quite amazing and very unique, he doesn’t say the same think over again (Gives side eye to Wolvie: Bub) Gambit’s intelligence lets him down a little. Normally with these Marvel characters it is always the love interest that is disappointing but when it comes to Gambit the love interest boosts him up to top 5 marvel Characters. His relationship with Rogue is legendary and only true Marvel fans know it (that’s Marvel fans not the film fans which misguide the newbies) The whole deck of cards scenario, makes me want to play cards every single day. I do not really have anything else to say, Gambit defiantly dissevers the title. He is just so cool. Well Done Remy .. from Thief to Legend.



X1: For – 10; Against – 1

X2: For – 7; Against -3

Gambit goes through to de next round…NO! It’s not because he married us both – *shifts eyes nervously*.

Marvel Art of The Day

Ultimate Rogue, by Mark Brooks.

Marvel Art of the Day

Our beloved Rogue drawn by Carlo Pagulayen and inked by Ed Benes.

Marvel Art of the Day

Today’s Marvel Art of the Day is Rogue, being dragged around by Pandemic by Humberto Ramos .