Author Archives: Marvelites X-Men

Marvel Art of the Day

Hulk by Gabriele Dell’Otto.

Comics Wallpaper: Hulk (by Gabriele Dell Otto)

Marvel Art of the Day

Nova by Francesco Mattina.

Marvel Art of the Day

The Avengers by Alex Ross.

Marvel Art of the Day

Savange She-Hulk (who looks really pretty, might I add) by Alex Garner.

Marvel Art of the Day

The Marvellous Medusa by Gabriele Dell’Otto (my two favourites, it’s like the prefect desert!).

Marvel Art of the Day

Okay, I know it’s not exactly “art” but cosplaying is still a form of art! This is one amazing cosplayer! One of the best I’ve ever seen of Wolverine, this dude is just covered in AWESOMESAUCE!

(Thanks fanaddict22)


Marvel Art of the Day

Emma Frost by J. Scott Campbell.

This movie was a beautiful dream…

Marvel Art of the Day

Black Widow by Jae Lee.

Marvel Art of the Day

She-Hulk VS Rulk by Frank Cho!